George Charles Garman 09/09/09 to 01/29/10

January 29, 2010 our world was turned upside down when our 4 month old little boy earned his wings after a battle with Mitochondrial Disease and awoke in the Lords loving arms.

"Life can not be measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away."

George's Guardian's of Grace Projects

Stocking project is now in full force collecting donations. We have a list of the items we can use. You can also choose to sponsor a stocking in memory or honor of someone else. We will include a paragraph or two in the cards we place in the stockings to let the recipient know about the person that means so much to you. Our paypal account is posted on this page and ready to take donations. Email us for a list of items needed or with any questions or information you would like included on a sponsored stocking/donation.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hate Shopping

I've come to the conclusion that I hate shopping right now! It just depresses me to go into the store. I went to Target with my mom today and was totally emotinally wiped out by the end of the trip. I would come across things that just reminded me of George. In ever section there was something and I even bought a Precious Moment CD for kids just because it reminded me of him. Whenever we would put him to sleep we turned on his music...he LOVED music. He will never listen to the cd but for whatever reason, I could not leave the store without it.

It is hard to walk through the store and watch those around me as they go about their lives. I feel as if mine has stopped and yet at the same time is forging ahead dragging me in toe. It took everything in me to not cry in the baby section. We needed some new sippy cups for the boys so I had no choice but to go there. With each step in the store, I felt my emotions running through me and just becoming so draining. It is just sad that something I use to like has become such torture!

I did get an email back from the people running the Mito study at the Mayo clinic. It is kind of exciting to be able to be part of it. In some way it makes me feel like we are helping others and those who are yet unborn who will live the life we now lead. They are going to do everything by mail. It won't take all that much to be able to help with this.

I realized that we had banked George's cord blood. There really is no use for it now that is is gone. They said they will be able to use it in their study so I think we may look to do that. I want to call the people at CBR who hold his cord blood. It is kind of hard for me to give that up in a way. In some odd way it is as if that is the only thing I have left that proves he existed and could unlock the key to what happened with him or eventhe metabolic stuff going on with the family. We had donated Michael's and for Josh it just wasn't a thought. Even if George had been a match to his brother's that doesn't mean they would even be able to use it. They would have to endure chemo to get rid of thier own cells an from what I was told it isn't an option for a Mito patient. Chemo can apparently kill them. It isn't something that I have to decide today but it is something I will have to consider.

Most of the day went pretty well. I am waiting to see what happens with the weather. The kids may not have school yet again. We have had way too much snow lately. I'd be glad if we just didn't have anymore and that spring could come. We are working on designing a memorial garden in the back yard. Today I got the stone I ordered for it with George's name. It is just beautiful and I can't wait to put it out there. The next thing I am going to work on is getting angel statues for the garden. I found this beautiful one of a baby sleeping in angel wings. I like the cherubs but some of the ones I have come across are kind of freaky looking. My uncle use to pour concrete but has since moved to Virginia so I am gonna start looking around at the local garden places for things. We just want it to be special and a place we can go when we think of our angel.

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Video Tributes/Celebration of Life Footage

Here is a link to a video tribute that was made by Richard's dad in memory of George. Get out your tissues!!/video/video.php?v=1360981185308&ref=mf

We Finally have footage from the service up and running:!/video/video.php?v=1368692138077&ref=mf!/video/video.php?v=1368733099101!/video/video.php?v=1368770540037

It is in 4 sections running about 17 mins each. If you were unable to attend, you can now see what you missed. We were so blessed to have everyone there with us in person and in spirit!

Me With My Prince Charming In Front of the Castle

Me With My Prince Charming In Front of the Castle